what are the benefits of Google Docs that make it worth swimming against the tide?
GDocs can do so much more—things that fit quite nicely into my flipped, just-in-time, technology enabled classrooms.
I share the assignment, the sample document, and a template for each assigned writing. I don’t give them paper,
and they have almost instant access to the documents from any network connected Mac, PC, tablet, or smartphone.
share them with me and with their peer-review group.
Their writing processes begin with connecting to support groups, all of which include me. Collaboration and peer-editing is built into their documents from the ground up, and I find that particularly productive and much easier to do with GDocs than with MS Word.
my students share their documents at the very beginning of the writing process, they do not submit a paper at the very end of the writing process. Thus, I am engaged with their writing much earlier when both I and their peers can be of real help to them.
My students learn about writing mostly as they are writing. They learn very little from a failing grade, except that they can’t write. That isn’t the lesson I’m trying to teach.
Because I have access to their documents so early, I learn much more about my students’ writing and the issues that they need to overcome. This positions me for better teaching. It positions the students for better learning. That’s a win-win.
I almost never have an issue with plagiarism
With the magic of Google Docs, I can see through the text all the way back to the beginning, because through its Revision History feature, GDocs tracks and preserves all edits to a document. It even color codes the changes and stamps the date, time, and identity of the writer.
For instance, a student can give her peers only Comment privileges, which allows them to make comments on the document but not make any changes or share it with others. This teaches my students useful 21st century literacy skills, which include awareness of security and privacy issues. That’s useful.
- 提供註解權限,不會更改到原文
- 可以編輯(最後也可以由學生透過版本來確認最後自己的呈現)
- 可以檢視
- 老師更改作業時也可以提供建議(看看學生是不是要接受,這是google classroom的功能)